(whites and yellows)
(coppers and blues)
Butterfly Larval Food Host
Cynone Grass-skipper
Anisynta cynone cynone
Native and introduced grasses, including Austrostipa scabra (rough spear-grass), *Brachypodium distachyon (false brome), *Cynodon dactylon (couch), *Ehrharta calycina (perennial veldt grass), *Piptatherum miliaceum (rice millet), Poa spp (Poaceae).
Cynone Grass-skipper
Anisynta cynone gracilis
As above.
Barred Grass-skipper
Dispar compacta
Native and introduced grasses incl. *Brachypodium distachyon, *Ehrharta erecta (panic veldt grass), Microlaena stipoides (weeping rice-grass), Poa spp incl. P. tenera (slender tussock grass) (Poaceae); also less frequently on a fine leaved Lomandra sp (Asparagaceae) and Gahnia sp (Cyperaceae).
Two-spotted Grass-skipper
Pasma tasmanica
Native and introduced grasses incl. Microlaena stipoides, Poa spp incl. P. labillardieri (tussock grass) and Tetrarrhena spp (rice-grasses).
Bright Shield-skipper
Signeta flammeata
Native and introduced grasses incl. *Agrostis capillaris (brown-top bent), *Brachypodium distachyon, Poa spp incl. P. tenera, Tetrarrhena spp.
Eliena Rush-skipper
Trapezites eliena
Lomandra longifolia (spiny-headed mat-rush), L. filiformis, L. multiflora multiflora (multiflowered mat-rush) (Asparagaceae).
Rare White-spot Rush-skipper
Trapezites luteus luteus
Lomandra densiflora (soft-tussock mat-rush), L. filiformis, L. longifolia, L. multiflora ssp dura (hard mat-rush).
Phigalia Rush-skipper
Trapezites phigalia
Lomandra filiformis in eastern states, which is only present in the southeast of the state as L. filiformis ssp coriacea (wattle mat-rush), also L. densiflora, L. fibrata (Mount Lofty mat-rush), L. multiflora ssp dura, L. nana (small mat-rush), L. sororia (sword mat-rush).
Sciron Rush-skipper
Trapezites sciron eremicola
Lomandra collina (pale mat-rush or iron grass).
Symmomus Rush-skipper
Trapezites symmomus soma
Lomandra longifolia.
Black and White Sedge-skipper
Antipodia atralba
Gahnia ancistrophylla, G. deusta, G. hystrix (spiky saw-sedge), G. lanigera (black grass saw-sedge) (Cyperaceae).
Inland Grass-skipper
Croitana arenaria arenaria
Enteropogon acicularis (branching umbrella or curly windmill grass), E. ramosus (tussock umbrella grass or windmill grass) (Poaceae).
Kimba Grass-skipper
Croitana arenaria pilepudla
Austrostipa acrociliata (graceful spear-grass), A. elegantissima (elegant spear-grass), A. platychaeta (flat-awned spear-grass) (Poaceae).
White-veined Grass-skipper
Herimosa albovenata albovenata
Austrostipa eremophila (desert spear-grass), A. scabra (rough spear-grass), A. scabra falcata (delicate spear-grass), A. semibarbata (fibrous spear-grass) (Poaceae).
Spinifex Skipper
Proeidosa polysema
Triodia pungens (resin or soft spinifex) (Poaceae).
Chrysotricha Sedge-skipper
Hesperilla chrysotricha cyclospila
Gahnia deusta (mallee saw-sedge), G. filum (thatching grass), G. radula (thatch saw-sedge), G. sieberiana (red-fruit saw-sedge), G. trifida (cutting grass) (Cyperaceae).
Donnysa Sedge-skipper
Hesperilla donnysa donnysa
- dark forms
Gahnia ancistrophylla (curly leaf saw-sedge), G. clarkei (tall saw-sedge or cutting grass), G. deusta, G. filum, G. radula (thatch saw-sedge), G. sieberiana, G. trifida.
Yellowish Sedge-skipper
Hesperilla donnysa donnysa
- pale form flavescens
Gahnia filum, G. deusta.
Flame Sedge-skipper
Hesperilla idothea idothea
Gahnia clarkei, G. radula, G. sieberiana, G. trifida.
Flame Sedge-skipper
Hesperilla idothea clara
G. sieberiana, G. trifida.
Dingy four-spot Sedge-skipper
Motasingha trimaculata trimaculata
Lepidosperma carphoides (black rapier-sedge), L. concavum (spreading sword-sedge), L. viscidum (sticky sword-sedge), Schoenus spp (bog-rushes) (Cyperaceae).
Orange Palm-dart
Cephrenes augiades sperthias
Most species of palms (Arecaceae), but prefers those with broad-leaf pinnae like **Archontophoenix spp (bangalow palm), **Livistona spp (cabbage tree palms), and *Phoenix spp (date palms).
Yellow Palm-dart
Cephrenes trichopepla
Most species of palms (Arecaceae).
Southern Grass-dart
Ocybadistes walkeri hypochlorus
Native and introduced grasses incl. *Brachypodium distachyon, *Bromus spp (brome), *Cynodon dactylon, *Ehrharta erecta (panic veldt grass), *E. longiflora (annual veldt grass), Enteropogon acicularis (branching umbrella grass or curly windmill grass), E. ramosus (tussock umbrella grass or windmill grass), Imperata cylindrica, *Lolium spp (ryegrass), *Panicum sp, *Paspalum vaginatum (salt-water couch), *Pennisetum clandestinum, *Piptatherum miliaceum (rice millet), Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass) (Poaceae); also rarely Dianella sp (flax lilies) (Liliaceae) and the soft leaved sedge Cyperus vaginatus (Stiff Flat-sedge) (Cyperaceae).
Greenish Grass-dart
Ocybadistes walkeri sothis
As above.
Orange Grass-dart
Taractrocera anisomorpha
Native and introduced grasses incl. *Cenchrus ciliaris (black buffel grass), Enteropogon acicularis, Eulalia aurea (sugar-grass or silky browntop), *Sorghum spp (Poaceae).
Ina Grass-dart
Taractrocera ina
Native and introduced grasses incl. Urochloa (Brachiaria) spp (arm-grasses), Cymbopogon spp (lemon-scented grasses), *Panicum spp, *Paspalum spp incl. *P. dilatatum, *Sorghum spp (Poaceae).
White-banded Grass-dart
Taractrocera papyria papyria
Native and introduced grasses incl. *Agrostis capillaris, Rytidosperma spp incl. A. caespitosa (common wallaby-grass), Austrostipa scabra, *Cynodon dactylon (couch), Echinopogon spp (rough-bearded or hedgehog grasses), *Ehrharta calycina (perennial veldt grass), *E. erecta, *E. longiflora, Imperata cylindrica (blady or kunai grass), Enteropogon acicularis, Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides (meadow rice-grass), *Paspalum dilatatum, *Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu), Phragmites australis (common reed), *Piptatherum miliaceum (rice millet), Poa spp incl. P. labillardieri, P. sieberiana and P. tenera (Poaceae); also Carex gaudichaudiana (sedge) (Cyperaceae).
Butterfly Larval Food Host
Orchard Swallowtail
Papilio aegeus aegeus
Native and introduced Rutaceae. Native hosts incl. Citrus (Eremocitrus) glauca (desert lime), **Eriostemon spp (wax flower), **Geijera spp incl. G. parviflora (wilga), **Philotheca spp (wax flower) incl. **P. myoporoides (native daphne), **Phebalium spp, **Zieria spp. Introduced and preferred hosts include cultivated *Citrus spp, *Citrus (Fortunella) spp, *Citrus (Poncirus) trifoliata, *Choisya ternata (Mexican orange blossom).
Dingy Swallowtail
Papilio anactus
Native and introduced Rutaceae incl. *Citrus spp, Citrus (Eremocitrus) glauca (desert lime), *Citrus (Fortunella) spp(kumquat), *Citrus (Poncirus) trifoliata (wild orange), Geijera parviflora (wilga) (Rutaceae).
Chequered Swallowtail
Papilio demoleus sthenelus
Normally Cullen (Psoralea) spp incl. C. australasicum (tall scurf-pea), C. cinereum (annual scurf-pea), C. graveolens (native lucerne), C. patens (spreading scurf-pea), *Psoralea pinnata (African scurf-pea) (Fabaceae). Sometimes utilises cultivated *Citrus spp.
Butterfly Larval Food Host
Lemon Migrant
Catopsilia pomona pomona
Cassia and Senna spp, the tropical and subtropical varieties with larger flowers, incl. **C. brewsteri (cigar cassia), *C. fistula (golden shower), S. pleurocarpa (striped-pod cassia) (Caesalpiniaceae), also Neptunia spp (Mimosaceae).
White Migrant
Catopsilia pyranthe crokera
Cassia and Senna spp, the tropical and subtropical varieties with larger flowers, incl. **C. brewsteri, *C. fistula, **S. barclayana (pepper-leaf senna), **S. occidentalis, S. planitiicola (yellow pea or arsenic bush).
Orange Migrant
Catopsilia scylla etesia
Cassia spp, the tropical and subtropical varieties with larger flowers incl. *C. fistula (Caesalpiniaceae); also Tephrosia sp. (Fabaceae).
Large Grass-yellow
Eurema (Terias) hecabe
Various tropical and subtropical legumes, including **Cassia spp, **Senna spp (Caesalpiniaceae), some Acacia spp incl. **A. baileyana (Cootamundra wattle), *Paraserianthes (Albizia) sp (Mimosaceae), *Aeschynomene sp (Budda pea), Indigofera spp (indigo's), Sesbania cannabina (yellow pea-bush) (Fabaceae).
Small Grass-yellow
Eurema (Terias) smilax
Cassia and Senna spp incl. *C. fistula, S. artemisioides coriacea (punty bush or desert cassia), S. artemisioides petiolaris (tomentose form - grey cassia, and the glabrous form) (Caesalpiniaceae); also Neptunia spp and **Paraserianthes (Albizia) lophantha lophantha (Cape Leeuwin wattle) (Mimosaceae).
Yellow Albatross
Appias paulina ega
Drypetes spp (Euphorbiaceae) and Capparis spp (Capparaceae). It uses the tropical and subtropical species of these plants that grow in rainforest areas.
Caper White
Belenois java teutonia
Capparis spp incl. C. mitchellii (tree caper), **C. spinosa (bush caper) (Capparaceae).
Wood White
Delias aganippe
Amyema spp incl. A. linophylla (buloke mistletoe), A. melaleucae (melaleuca mistletoe), A. miquelii (box mistletoe), A. pendula (drooping mistletoe), A. preissii (wire-leaf mistletoe), A. quandang var. quandang (grey mistletoe) (Loranthaceae); also Exocarpos aphyllus (stiff cherry), E. cupressiformis (native cherry), E. strictus (dwarf cherry), Santalum acuminatum (quandong), S. lanceolatum (plumbush), S. spicatum (sandalwood) (Santalaceae).
Imperial White
Delias harpalyce
Amyema miquelii, A. pendula (drooping mistletoe), A. quandang, Muellerina eucalyptoides (creeping mistletoe) (Loranthaceae).
Narrow-winged Pearl-white
Elodina padusa
Capparis spp incl. C. mitchellii (Capparaceae).
Cabbage White
*Pieris rapae rapae
Requires foodplants containing mustard glycosides. These include most plants of the Brassicaceae family incl. *Alyssum spp, *Arabis spp (rock cress), *Barbarea spp (wintercress), cruciferous crops *Brassica spp (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, canola, cauliflower, mustard, radish, rape, turnip), *Cakile spp. incl. *C. edentula (American sea-rocket) and *C. maritima (Two-horned sea-rocket), *Cardamine spp (bitter cress), *Cardaria draba (hoary cress), *Descurainia sophia (flixweed), *Diplotaxis tenuifolia (Lincoln Weed), *Eruca sativa (purple-vein rocket), *Erysimum spp (mustards), *Hesperis spp (rocket), *Hirschfeldia incana (buchan weed), Lepidium spp incl. *L. africanum (peppercress), *Lobularia maritima (sweet alyssum), *Lunaria spp (honesty), *Matthiola incana (common stock), *Raphanus sativus (radish), *R. raphanistrum (wild radish), Rorippa spp incl. *R. nasturtium-aquaticum (watercress), *R. palustris (yellow cress), *Sisymbrium spp. incl. *S. irio (London rocket), *S. officinale (hedge mustard) (Brassicaceae); also *Capparis spp, Cleome spp incl. Cleome viscosa (tickweed) (Capparaceae); *Reseda spp (mignonettes) incl. *R. odorata (sweet mignonette) (Resedaceae); *Tropaeolum spp (nasturtiums) incl. *T. majus (Tropaeolaceae); *Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) (Solanaceae).
Butterfly Larval Food Host
Lesser Wanderer
Danaus petilia
*Asclepias curassavica (red-head cotton-bush), *Gomphocarpus (Asclepias) fruticosus (garden swan plant or narrow-leaf cotton-bush), *G. physocarpus (balloon cotton-bush), *G. cancellatus (rotundifolia) (broad-leaf cotton-bush), *Calotropis spp incl. *C. procera (king's crown or sodom apple), Cynanchum floribundum (desert cynanchum or native pear), Marsdenia (Leichhardtia) australis (native pear), Rhyncharrhena (Pentatropis) linearis (bush bean or cotton vine), *Orbea (Stapelia) variegata (carrion flower), Sarcostemma spp (Asclepiadaceae).
Wanderer, Monarch
Danaus plexippus plexippus
*Araujia sericifera (hortorum) (cruel plant or white bladder-flower), *Asclepias curassavica, *Gomphocarpus (Asclepias) fruticosus, *G. physocarpus, *G. cancellatus (rotundifolia), *Calotropis spp incl. *C. procera (king's crown), *Orbea (Stapelia) variegata (Asclepiadaceae).
Common Crow, Oleander Butterfly
Euploea core corinna
Numerous native and introduced milk-sap plants. Suitable native plants in SA are Carissa ovata (lanceolata) (conker berry) (Apocynaceae); Ficus brachypoda (platypoda) (native fig) (Moraceae); Cynanchum spp (native pears), Marsdenia (Leichhardtia) australis, Sarcostemma viminale australe (caustic bush) (Asclepiadaceae); and introduced plants *Asclepias curassavica, *Gomphocarpus (Asclepias) fruticosus, *G. physocarpus (balloon cotton-bush), *Hoya spp (wax plants) (Asclepiadaceae); *Mandevilla spp (Chilean jasmines), *Nerium oleander, *Trachelospermum spp (star jasmines) (Apocynaceae).
Blue Tiger, Blue Wanderer
Tirumala hamata hamata
Tropical milkweed plants, none of which occur naturally in South Australia.
Forest Xenica
Argynnina cyrila
Native and introduced grasses incl. Microlaena stipoides, Poa spp incl. P. meionectes, and probably Tetrarrhena spp (rice-grasses) (Poaceae).
Ringed Xenica
Geitoneura acantha ocrea
Native and introduced grasses incl. *Brachypodium distachyon, *Ehrharta longiflora (annual veldt grass), Microlaena stipoides, *Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu), Poa spp incl. P. clelandii (matted tussock grass), P. tenera (slender tussock grass), Themeda triandra (kangaroo grass) (Poaceae).
Common Xenica
Geitoneura klugii
Native and introduced grasses incl. Rytidosperma spp, Austrostipa flavescens, *Brachypodium distachyon, *Ehrharta spp incl. *E. calycina (perennial veldt grass), *E. longiflora (annual veldt grass), Poa spp incl. P. labillardieri (tussock grass), P. morrisii, P. tenera, Themeda triandra, *Vulpia sp (Poaceae).
Bright-eyed Brown
Heteronympha cordace wilsoni
Carex spp incl. C. appressa (tall sedge), C. fascicularis, C. gaudichaudiana (Cyperaceae) and various wetland grasses (Poaceae).
Common Brown
Heteronympha merope merope
Native and introduced grasses incl. Austrostipa species (spear grasses), *Agrostis capillaris (brown-top bent), *Brachypodium distachyon, *Bromus catharticus (prairie grass), *Cynodon dactylon (couch), *Ehrharta spp incl. *E. erecta (panic veldt grass), *E. longiflora (annual veldt grass), Imperata cylindrica (blady or kunai grass), Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides (meadow rice-grass), *Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu), Poa spp incl. P. crassicaudex, P. meionectes, P. poiformis (coast tussock grass), *P. pratensis (Kentucky blue-grass), P. tenera, Themeda triandra (Poaceae); also rarely on Gahnia sieberiana (red-fruit saw-sedge) (Cyperaceae).
Shouldered Brown
Heteronympha penelope penelope
Native and introduced grasses incl. Rytidosperma pilosa (velvet wallaby-grass), *Brachypodium distachyon (false brome), *Ehrharta erecta, Poa spp incl. P. crassicaudex (tussock grass), P. poiformis, P. tenera, Themeda triandra (Poaceae).
Striped Xenica
Oreixenica kershawi kanunda
Poa spp incl. P. tenera, Tetrarrhena spp (rice-grasses) (Poaceae).
Silver Xenica
Oreixenica lathoniella herceus
Microlaena stipoides (weeping rice-grass), Poa spp incl. P. labillardieri (tussock grass), P. meionectes (Poaceae).
Sword-grass Brown
Tisiphone abeona albifascia
Gahnia clarkei, G. radula, G. sieberiana (Cyperaceae).
Tailed Emperor
Polyura sempronius
Numerous native (eastern states) and introduced ornamental trees, mainly of legume origin. Those suitable for SA conditions incl. **Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra wattle), **A. dealbata (silver wattle), **A. decurrens (queen wattle), A. longifolia longifolia (Sydney golden wattle), A. mearnsii (black wattle), **A. podalyriifolia (Mt Morgan wattle), A. pycnantha (golden wattle), **A. saligna (golden wreath wattle), **Paraserianthes (Albizia) lophantha (Cape Leeuwin wattle) (Mimosaceae); *Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust), *Wisteria spp (Fabaceae) *Caesalpinia ferrea (Brazilian ironwood), *C. gilliesii (bird of paradise tree) (Caesalpiniaceae); **Brachychiton acerifolius (Illawarra flame tree), **Brachychiton acerifolius x populneus (flame tree), **B. discolor (white kurrajong), **B. populneus (kurrajong), **Sterculia sp (Sterculiaceae); *Quercus palustris (pin oak) (Fagaceae); *Celtis occidentalis, *C. paniculata, *C. philippensis, *C. sinensis (Portuguese elm) (Ulmaceae); *Cinnamomum camphora (camphor laural) (Lauraceae); *Lagerstroemia indica (crepe myrtle) (Lythraceae); Jasminum sp (native jasmines) (Oleaceae).
Common Eggfly
Hypolimnas bolina nerina
Alternanthera angustifolia (narrow-leaved joyweed), A. denticulata (lesser joyweed) (Amaranthaceae); Dipteracanthus spp, *Ruellia spp (Acanthaceae); *Modiola caroliniana (red-flowered mallow), Sida spp (Malvaceae); Persicaria prostrata (trailing knotweed) (Polygonaceae); *Galinsoga parviflora (yellow weed) (Asteraceae), *Ipomaea spp (sweet potato) (Convolvulaceae).
Meadow Argus
Junonia villida calybe
Numerous native and introduced herbaceous plants incl. *Ruellia sp (Acanthaceae); *Arctotheca calendula, Epaltes australis (spreading nut-heads) (Asteraceae); Evolvulus alsinoides (native convolvulus) (Convolvulaceae); *Centaurium erythraea (common centaury), *C. spicatum (spike centaury) (Gentianaceae); Goodenia spp, incl. G. geniculata, G. pinnatifida (Cut-leaf Goodenia), Scaevola aemula (fairy fanflower) (Goodeniaceae); Plantago spp (plantains) incl. *P. lanceolata (ribgrass or ribwort), *P. major (greater plantain) (Plantaginaceae); Portulaca oleracea (munyeroo, purslane or pigweed) (Portulacaceae); *Antirrhinum majus (garden snapdragon), *Kickxia elatine (toadflax), *Russelia equisetiformis (coral plant), Stemodia florulenta (bluerod), Veronica spp (speedwell) (Scrophulariaceae); *Lantana camara, *Phyla canescens (lippia); *Verbena spp incl. *V. bonariensis (purple-top verbena), *V. officinalis (common verbena) (Verbenaceae); *Scabiosa atropurpurea (scabious) (Dipsacaceae).
Australian Admiral
Vanessa itea
Mainly plants of the Urticaceae family. Parietaria australis, P. cardiostegia (mallee smooth-nettle), P. debilis (smooth nettle), *P. judaica (wall pellitory), *Soleirolia soleirolii (baby's tears), Urtica incisa (scrub or native stinging nettle), *U. urens (stinging nettle); also *Arctotheca calendula (Asteraceae).
Australian Painted Lady
Vanessa kershawi
Numerous native and introduced herbs and ornamental plants, mainly Asteraceae incl. **Ammobium alatum (paper daisy), *Arctotheca calendula (cape weed), *Artemisia spp (wormwoods), Asteridea athrixioides f. athrixioides (wirewort), Calocephalus platycephalus (billybuttons), *Carduus spp (prickly thistles), Chrysocephalum apiculatum (common everlasting), C. semipapposum (yellow buttons), *Galinsoga parviflora (yellow weed), *Gamochaeta americana (spiked cudweed), Gnaphalium spp (cudweeds), Helichrysum spp incl. H. scorpioides (button everlasting), Leucochrysum spp (sunrays), *Onopordum acanthium (scotch thistle), *O. illyricum (Illyrian thistle), Pseudognaphalium luteo-album (cudweed), Rhodanthe chlorocephala rosea (western sunray), Xerochrysum bracteatum (strawflower); also *Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) (Lamiaceae).
Acraea andromacha andromacha
Hybanthus aurantiacus (shrub violet) (Violaceae); native Passiflora spp, also some introduced *Passiflora spp incl. *Passiflora (Tacsonia) mollissima (banana passion) (Passifloraceae).
Butterfly Larval Food Host
Bronze Ant-blue
Acrodipsas brisbanensis
The entire immature stage is spent in the nests of the small dark-brown byre building ant Papyrius (Iridomyrmex) sp (nitidus group). In related species the immature stages use a small black ant Crematogaster sp, the larval stage being predacious on the immature ant stages.
Fiery Jewel
Hypochrysops ignitus ignitus
Numerous foodplants of a variety of families incl. Cassinia spp, Olearia axillaris (coast daisy-bush) (Asteraceae); Brachyloma daphnoides (daphne heath) (Epacridaceae); Acacia spp incl. **A. decurrens (queen wattle), A. leiophylla (smooth-leaf wattle), A. longifolia longifolia (Sydney golden wattle), A. mearnsii (black wattle), A. pycnantha (golden wattle), **A. saligna (golden-wreath wattle) (Mimosaceae); **Agonis flexuosa, Eucalyptus spp (Myrtaceae); Banksia sp, Grevillea sp (Proteaceae); Pomaderris sp (Rhamnaceae); *Prunus sp (plum), ornamental *Rosa sp, *Rubus "fruticosus" (blackberry) (Rosaceae); Camellia sp (Theaceae), Choretrum glomeratum (berry broombrush or common sour-bush), C. spicatum (spiked sour-bush), Exocarpos aphyllus (stiff cherry), E. cupressiformis (native cherry) (Santalaceae); **Alectryon (Heterodendrum) spp, **Cupaniopsis anacardioides (tuckeroo), Dodonaea spp incl. D. humilis (dwarf hop-bush), D. viscosa angustissima (attenuata) (narrow-leaf hop-bush) (Sapindaceae), Brachychiton sp (Sterculiaceae). Larvae attendant ant is Papyrius (Iridomyrmex) sp (nitidus group), a byre building small dark-brown ant with a distinctive coconut smell.
Small Copper
Lucia limbaria
*Oxalis corniculata corniculata (yellow wood-sorrel), O. perennans (native sorrel or creeping yellow oxalis) (Oxalidaceae). Larvae attended by numerous small black ants Iridomyrmex sp (gracilis and rufoniger groups).
Bright Copper
Paralucia aurifera
Bursaria spinosa (Christmas bush) (Pittosporaceae). Larvae attended by numerous small black ants Anonychomyrma (Iridomyrmex) (nitidiceps group) and also probably Notoncus spp.
Dull Copper
Paralucia pyrodiscus
Bursaria spp incl. B. spinosa. Larvae attended by numerous small black ants Notoncus spp incl. N. capitatus, N. ectatommoides, N. gilberti.
Dark-purple Azure
Ogyris abrota
Muellerina eucalyptoides (creeping mistletoe) (Loranthaceae). Larvae attended by small ants Anonychomyrma sp, Crematogaster sp, Froggattella kirbii, Rhytidoponera sp and Technomyrmex albipes. In SA, they use small, strong smelling, black ants Iridomyrmex sp.
Amaryllis Azure
Ogyris amaryllis meridionalis
Amyema fitzgeraldii (pincushion mistletoe), A. gibberula var. gibberula (grevillea-hakea mistletoe), A. linophylla orientale (bulloak or buloke mistletoe), A. maidenii maidenii (pale-leaf mistletoe), A. melaleucae (melaleuca mistletoe), A. miquelii (box mistletoe), A. miraculosa boormanii (fleshy mistletoe), A. pendula pendula (drooping mistletoe), A. preissii (wire-leaf mistletoe), A. quandang var. quandang, A. sanguinea (bloodwood mistletoe) (Loranthaceae). Larvae attended by a few small ants incl. a dark brown and black Crematogaster sp, Crematogaster sp (laeviceps group), Anonychomyrma sp (nitidiceps group), a black Iridomyrmex sp A (rufoniger group) and in SA a dark brown Iridomyrmex sp, Podomyrma sp, also Camponotus sp.
Amaryllis Azure
Ogyris amaryllis meridionalis
- coastal form
Amyema melaleucae, A. miquelii, A. miraculosa boormanii, A. pendula pendula, A. preissii (Loranthaceae). Larvae attended by a few small ants incl. a dark brown and black Crematogaster sp and small black or orange and black Iridomyrmex spp.
Barnard's Azure
Ogyris barnardi delphis
Amyema miraculosa (fleshy mistletoe), A. quandang var. quandang (grey mistletoe) (Loranthaceae). Larvae attended by a few small dark brown and black ants Crematogaster sp.
Olane Azure
Ogyris olane
Amyema miquelii, A. pendula pendula. Larvae are attended by a few ants incl. a small Anonychomyrma sp, small Crematogaster sp, small dark brown, black or orange and black Iridomyrmex spp, a small black Ochetellus sp, Podomyrma adelaidae a brown ant with two yellow spots on the abdomen, the sugar-ants Camponotus consobrinus and C. terebrans, rarely Papyrius sp (nitidus group) and also Froggattella kirbii and Monomorium sp.
Silky Azure
Ogyris oroetes apiculata
Amyema miquelii, A. pendula. Larvae attended by a few ants incl. small black or dark brown and black Crematogaster spp, Doleromyrma sp, Iridomyrmex spp, and rarely Rhytidoponera metallica. In the eastern states small Anonychomyrma sp (nitidiceps group), Froggattella kirbii, Iridomyrmex sp (rufoniger group), Ochetellus glaber, Meranoplus sp (diversus group), Podomyrma sp, Tetraponera sp, and sometimes Camponotus sp have been recorded.
Genoveva Azure
Ogyris genoveva form genua
Amyema miquelii, A. miraculosa, A. pendula pendula, Muellerina eucalyptoides. Larvae attended by numerous large sugar-ants Camponotus consobrinus and C. nigriceps.
Genoveva Azure
Ogyris genoveva form splendida
As above.
Eastern Large Bronze Azure
Ogyris halmaturia
Entire larval stage spent in sugar-ant nests of Camponotus terebrans, mainly within pristine banksia tea-tree heath and low mallee, open habitat with sandy soil. Larvae believed to be either predatory on the immature stages of these ants, or perhaps are fed by the ants at least when the larvae are very immature.
Mallee Bronze Azure
Ogyris subterrestris subterrestris
Entire larval stage spent in the nests of the sugar-ant Camponotus terebrans, in sandy soil at the base of trees and shrubs. So far only recorded from the Murray mallee, but may extend inland to ephemeral riverine habitat. Larvae believed to be either predatory on the immature stages of these ants, or perhaps are fed by the ants at least when the larvae are very immature.
Small Bronze Azure
Ogyris otanes otanes
Choretrum glomeratum (berry broombush or common sour-bush), C. spicatum (spiked sour-bush), Leptomeria preissiana (currant bush) (Santalaceae). Larvae attended by numerous sand dwelling sugar-ants Camponotus terebrans.
Zosine Azure
Ogyris zosine
Amyema maidenii, A. miquelii, A. pendula, A. quandang, A. sanguinea and possibly A. preissii. Larvae attended by numerous large sugar-ants incl. Camponotus sp (claripes group), C. nigriceps and C. spenseri.
Icilius Hairstreak
Jalmenus icilius
Acacia spp incl. A. anceps (Port Lincoln wattle), A. aneura aneura (mulga), A. calamifolia (wallowa), **A. dealbata (silver wattle), A. mearnsii (black wattle), A. melanoxylon (blackwood), A. pendula, A. pycnantha, A. retinodes (Wirilda), **A. saligna (golden-wreath wattle), A. tetragonophylla (dead finish), A. victoriae victoriae (elegant or bramble wattle) (Mimosaceae); Daviesia benthamii (Fabaceae); Senna spp incl. S. artemisioides coriacea (punty bush or desert cassia), S. a. filifolia, S. a. petiolaris (glabrous form) (Caesalpiniaceae). Larvae attended usually by numerous small black or dark brown and black ants Iridomyrmex spp (rufoniger group in NSW), rarely by a large black Dolichoderus sp (scabridus group).
Stencilled Hairstreak
Jalmenus ictinus
Acacia spp incl. A. pendula (Boree or Weeping Myall). Larvae attended by large meat ants Iridomyrmex purpureus.
Lithochroa Hairstreak
Jalmenus lithochroa
Acacia pycnantha, A. victoriae victoriae. Larvae near Adelaide attended by numerous small black ants Iridomyrmex sp, in the Flinders Range by the large meat ants Iridomyrmex purpureus and I. viridiaeneus.
Rayed Blue
Candalides heathi heathi
Prostanthera spp (mintbushes), Westringia spp incl. **W. fruticosa (coastal or native rosemary), W. rigida (western rosemary or stiff westringia) (Lamiaceae); Eremophila spp incl. E. deserti (turkey-bush), E. gilesii (desert fuchsia or hairy-fruit emubush), E. longifolia (weeping emubush or berrigan), Myoporum acuminatum (western boobialla) (Myoporaceae); Plantago spp incl. *P. lanceolata (ribgrass or ribwort) (Plantaginaceae); Derwentia (Parahebe) spp incl. D. derwentiana (Derwent speedwell), Stemodia florulenta (bluerod) (Scrophulariaceae); Brachychiton spp (kurrajongs) (Sterculiaceae), Pimelea spp (Thymelaeaceae). Larvae usually attended by a few small black ants Iridomyrmex sp, and in the Far North sometimes by the large black meat-ant Iridomyrmex viridiaeneus.
Golden-rayed Blue
Candalides noelkeri
Myoporum parvifolium (creeping boobialla) (Myoporaceae). Not reported to be attended by ants.
Cyprotus Pencilled-blue
Cyprotides cyprotus (Hall)
In the eastern states on Conospermum spp (smoke-bushes), Grevillea spp (Proteaceae), and Jacksonia scoparia (dogwood) (Fabaceae); in SA found on G. huegelii (comb grevillea), G. pterosperma (desert grevillea) and G. sarissa ssp umbellifera (desert comb-grevillea); also on Hakea spp incl. H. leucoptera (needle bush) and probably H. mitchellii (desert hakea) (Proteaceae). Sometimes attended by a few small black or dark brown and black ants Iridomyrmex spp.
Blotched Dusky-blue
Erina acasta (Cox)
Cassytha glabella f. dispar (slender dodder-laurel), C. peninsularis var. flindersii (Flinders Range dodder-laurel), C. peninsularis var. peninsularis (streaked or peninsula dodder-laurel), C. pubescens (downy or rusty dodder-laurel) (Lauraceae). Larvae sometimes attended by a few small ants.
Common Dusky-blue
Erina hyacinthina form josephina
Cassytha pubescens. Larvae attended by a few small black ants Iridomyrmex sp.
Western Dusky-blue
Erina hyacinthina form simplexa
Cassytha melantha (coarse dodder-laurel or devil's twine), C. peninsularis var. peninsularis (streaked dodder-laurel), C. peninsularis var. flindersii (Lauraceae). Larvae sometimes attended by a few small brown or black ants incl. Ochetellus sp.
Black-spot Grass-blue
Famegana alsulus alsulus
On the flowers of Fabaceae legumes incl. Galactia tenuiflora, Indigofera sp (indigo), Vigna lanceolata (maloga bean). Larvae attended by a few ants incl. Camponotus sp (extensus group), small Iridomyrmex sp, small Iridomyrmex sp (gracilis and rufoniger groups), large meat ants Iridomyrmex purpureus, Rhytidoponera metallica.
Long-tailed Pea-blue
Lampides boeticus
On numerous native and introduced legumes of the Fabaceae family incl. *Chamaecytisus palmensis (tree lucerne or tagasaste), *Colutea arborescens (bladder senna), Crotalaria spp incl. C. cunninghamii (birdflower rattlepod), C. eremaea eremaea (downy loose-flowered rattle-pod), C. eremaea strehlowii (smooth loose-flowered rattlepod), C. novae-hollandiae (woolly rattlepod), Cullen (Psoralea) australasicum (tall scurf-pea), C. patens (spreading scurf-pea), *Cytisus scoparius (English Broom), *Dipogon lignosus (lavatory creeper or dolichos pea), *Genista monspessulana (Montpellier Broom), Gompholobium ecostatum (dwarf wedge-pea), Kennedia prostrata (running postman or scarlet runner), Indigofera sp (indigo), *Lathyrus odoratus (sweet-pea), Lotus australis (austral trefoil), *Lupinus spp (lupins), *Phaseolus vulgaris (garden bean), *P. lunatus, *Pisum sativum (garden pea), Pultenaea tenuifolia (narrow-leaf bush-pea), Sesbania cannabina (sesbania pea), *Sophora spp, Swainsona spp (darling or swainson peas) incl. S. (Clianthus) formosa (Sturt's desert-pea), S. greyana (darling pea), S. stipularis (orange darling pea), Templetonia retusa (cockies tongue), *Ulex europaeus (gorse), *Vicia faba (broadbean), *V. sativa (common vetch), *Virgilia oroboides (Cape virgilia), *Wisteria sinensis. Larvae sometimes attended by a few ants incl. Camponotus capito and other spp (subnitidus and tricoloratus groups), small Dolichoderus sp, Froggattella sp, Iridomyrmex sp, and very rarely the large meat ants Iridomyrmex purpureus and I. viridiaeneus.
Plumbago Blue, Zebra Blue
Leptotes plinius pseudocassius
On the flower buds of Plumbago spp incl. *P. auriculata (Plumbaginaceae). Larvae sometimes attended by a few small ants.
Two-spotted Line-blue
Nacaduba biocellata biocellata
Acacia spp incl. A. anceps (Port Lincoln wattle), A. aneura var. aneura (mulga), A. brachybotrya (grey mulga), A. calamifolia (wallowa), A. cyclops (western coastal wattle), A. erinacea (prickly wattle), **A. decurrens (early black wattle), A. iteaphylla (Flinders Range wattle), A. ligulata (umbrella bush or sandhill wattle), A. longifolia sophorae (coastal wattle), *A. karroo (karroo thorn), A. mearnsii (black wattle), A. melanoxylon (blackwood), A. murrayana (sandplain wattle), A. nematophylla (coast wallowa), A. oswaldii (miljee or umbrella wattle), A. papyrocarpa (sowdenii) (western myall), A. pycnantha (golden wattle), A. quornensis (Quorn wattle), A. retinodes (Wirilda), A. rigens (needle wattle), A. rupicola (rock wattle), A. salicina (native willow or coobah), **A. saligna (golden-wreath wattle), A. sclerophylla (hard-leaf wattle), A. simmonsiana, A. stenophylla (river cooba), A. tetragonophylla (dead finish), A. triquetra, A. victoriae victoriae (Mimosaceae). Larvae normally attended by a few small black ants Iridomyrmex spp and in the northern areas by also the large meat ants Iridomyrmex purpureus and I. viridiaeneus.
Fringed Heath-blue
Neolucia agricola agricola
Various small bush-pea plants incl. Aotus spp, Bossiaea spp, Daviesia spp (bitter-peas), Dillwynia spp (parrot-peas) incl. D. sericea (showy parrot-pea), Eutaxia microphylla (mallee bush-pea), Pultenaea spp incl. P. acerosa (bristly bush-pea), P. densifolia (dense bush-pea), P. largiflorens (twiggy bush-pea), P. tenuifolia (narrow-leaf bush-pea) (Fabaceae). Larvae sometimes attended by a few small dark brown and black ants Iridomyrmexsp.
Small Purple Line-blue
Prosotas dubiosa dubiosa
On the buds and flowers of many native and introduced plants. In SA, it has been found on Acacia victoriae victoriae (elegant or bramble wattle) (Mimosaceae). Larvae normally attended by a few small ants.
Bitter-bush Blue
Theclinesthes albocincta
Adriana spp incl. A. urticoides var. hookeri (mallee bitterbush or water bush), A. quadripartita f. klotzschii (coast bitterbush) (Euphorbiaceae). Larvae attended by a few ants of numerous species which also feed from the nectary glands of the Adriana, and include the large sugar-ants Camponotus consobrinus and C. terebrans, and a small black sugar-ant of the C. rubiginosus gp, a small Crematogaster sp, Dolichoderus sp, Iridomyrmex spp incl. meat ants, Iridomyrmex sp (rufoniger group), Melophorus sp, Monomorium sp, Myrmecia spp incl. the inch-ant M. nigriscapa, brown or black Notoncus spp, a small Ochetellus sp, Ochetellus glaber, a black Polyrhachis sp, Rhytidoponera metallica.
Wattle Blue
Theclinesthes miskini miskini
Mainly on Acacia spp incl. A. anceps, A. pycnantha, A. salicina, **A. saligna, A. tetragonophylla (kurara or deadfinish wattle), A. victoriae victoriae, and **Paraserianthes (Albizia) lophantha (Cape Leeuwin wattle) (Mimosaceae); also on Sesbania cannabina (sesbania pea) (Fabaceae); Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood) (Sapindaceae); Eucalyptus spp (Myrtaceae); Hakea vittata (striped hakea) (Proteaceae). In SA, larvae attended by either a few small black ants Iridomyrmex sp, and in the northern areas by also the large meat ants Iridomyrmex purpureus and I. viridiaeneus; interstate also attended by Camponotus terebrans, Dolichoderus scrobiculatus, Froggattella kirbii, Iridomyrmex sp (anceps and rufoniger groups), Paratrechina sp.
Salt-bush Blue
Theclinesthes serpentata serpentata
Mainly on saltbushes incl. Atriplex acutibractea, A. australasica (native orache or green saltbush), A. cinerea (coast saltbush), A. eichleri (Eichler's saltbush), A. elachophylla, A. holocarpa (pop saltbush), A. leptocarpa (slender-fruit saltbush), A. limbata (spreading saltbush), A. lindleyi ssp (baldoo), A. lobativalvis, A. macropterocarpa, A. morrisii, A. muelleri (annual or Mueller's saltbush), A. nummularia nummularia (old-man saltbush), A. obconica, A. paludosa paludosa (marsh saltbush), A. paludosa cordata (marsh saltbush), *A. pumilio (mat saltbush), A. pseudocampanulata (spreading saltbush), A. quinii (kidney-fruit saltbush), A. rhagodioides (river saltbush), A. semibaccata (berry saltbush), A. spongiosa (pop saltbush), A. suberecta (lagoon saltbush), A. velutinella (sandhill saltbush), A. vesicaria variabilis (bladder saltbush), *Chenopodium album (fat hen or white goosefoot), C. curvispicatum, C. gaudichaudianum (scrambling goosefoot), C. nitrariaceum (nitre goosefoot), Einadia nutans nutans (climbing saltbush), E. nutans oxycarpa, Halosarcia halocnemoides (grey samphire), Rhagodia candolleana candolleana (seaberry saltbush), R. crassifolia (fleshy saltbush), R. eremaea (desert saltbush), R. parabolica (fragrant or mealy saltbush), R. preissii preissii (mallee saltbush), R. spinescens (spiny saltbush) (Chenopodiaceae); also on Atalaya hemiglauca (whitewood) (Sapindaceae). Larvae attended by a few ants, usually small black or brown Iridomyrmex spp, but occasionally a small black sugar-ant Camponotus ceriseipes, small black Monomorium rubriceps, a small red bull-ant of the Myrmecia nigrocincta gp, or a small black Notoncus sp.
Dark Grass-blue
Zizeeria karsandra
In SA, it uses Glinus lotoides (hairy carpet-weed) and G. oppositifolius (slender carpet-weed) (Molluginaceae). Other host-plants in Australia that also occur in SA include Tribulusspp incl. *T. terrestris (caltrop) (Zygophyllaceae). Overseas, the larvae also feed on *Amaranthus spp incl. *A. deflexus, *A. viridis (Amaranthaceae); *Euphorbia spp (Euphorbiaceae); flowers of small legumes incl. *Trifolium spp (clovers) (Fabaceae); and *Oxalis corniculata (Oxalidaceae). Larvae are usually attended by a few small ants, Iridomyrmex and Monomorium spp.
Common Grass-blue
Zizina otis labradus
On numerous native and introduced legumes, usually small herbs and plants of the Fabaceae family incl. Crotalaria eremaea strehlowii (smooth loose-flowered rattlepod), Cullen (Psoralea) australasicum, C. microcephalum (mountain scurf-pea), C. pallidum (white scurf-pea), C. patens, Daviesia brevifolia (leafless bitter-pea), Glycine spp incl. *G. max (soybean), Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa (native liquorice), Hardenbergia violacea (native lilac), Indigofera spp (indigo's) incl. I. australis (austral indigo), Lotus spp incl. L. australis, L. cruentus (redflower trefoil), *Lupinus sp, *Medicago spp (lucernes, medics) incl. M. sativa (lucerne or alfalfa), *Phaseolus spp incl. *P. vulgaris (gardenbean), *Pisum sativum, Pultenaea tenuifolia, Sesbania cannabina (sesbania pea), Swainsona spp, *Trifolium spp (clover), *Trigonella spp (fenugreeks), *Vicia faba, Vigna lanceolata var. latifolia (maloga bean), *Virgilia oroboides. Will sometimes utilise *Acacia farnesiana (mimosa or sweet acacia) (Mimosaceae). Larvae sometimes attended by a few small black ants incl. Iridomyrmex, Rhytedoponera and Tapinoma spp, a small dark-brown ant Paratrechina sp, or in the Far North by the large black meat ant Iridomyrmex viridiaeneus, or a large black sugar ant Camponotus capito.
Tiny Grass-blue
Zizula hylax attenuata
In Australia it uses host-plants of the Acanthaceae and Fabaceae families. Those suitable for SA conditions incl. Dipteracanthus australasicus and *Ruellia sp (Acanthaceae). Overseas it uses *Mimosa (sensitive plant) (Mimosaceae); *Oxalis corniculata (Oxalidaceae); and *Tribulus (caltrops) (Zygophyllaceae). Larvae are sometimes attended by a few small ants.

This is an Australian wide plant list which includes many exotic plants species on which butterfly caterpillars have been know to feed.
For information on endemic indigenous plants suitable for your locality and soil please consult local literature and gardening experts.

The food host list (usually a plant but sometimes an ant or another insect for each group of butterflies) is derived from all known documented records, but only those hosts known to occur within South Australia have been listed, either as indigenous natives or introduced cultivars and escapes. Those hosts featured in bold type are those which butterfly larvae have been found to eat in South Australia. A single *asterisk denotes the host is an overseas introduction. Double **asterisks denote the host is an interstate introduction. Plant identifications have been confirmed by the State Herbarium of South Australian. Attendant ants (non-host) are also listed; those ants featured in bold type are those which butterfly larvae have been found to associate with in South Australia. All bold type ants were identified by Archie McArthur, the ant specialist at the South Australian Museum.